What makes American Girl Dolls so special is not the store, the accessories, or even the luxury of the dolls. It's the daring historical stories young girls grew up with, which continues to influence them well into the future when they themselves become mothers.
Art director: Dylan Tucson Copywriter: Christa R. Prater

The print campaign tells stories about the effect these tales have had, that they themselves see intertwined with the characters.

We wanted to expand the historical storytelling and reach a new audience by creating contemporary stories, following American girls from all walks of life, through mini-episodes on Snapchat.

We wanted to give a quick preview of the American Girl experience to younger adults, through short radio "serials" fashioned after serials such as "Little Orphan Annie" of the 30's and 50's.

To give children access to the American Girl Doll experience, with a partnership with Scholastic, select dolls will be made available for checkout, users can pair their mobile or tablet via Bluetooth to the doll, and have them play an audiobook version of their tale.